City Council

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
January 17, 2017
The regular meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Mayor Graham who led the Council in reciting “The Pledge of Allegiance.” 
Philip Goodwin, City Clerk, called the roll: Gene McCoskey, excused; Richie Meile, present; Jerry Albrecht, present; Robert Kueker, present; Kevin Hagarty, present; Matthew Gilreath, excused; Herb Roach, present; Matthew Smallheer, present; Courtney Marsh, present; Christopher Hursey, present; Ray Holden, present; Ned Drolet, present; David Cozad, present; Harlan Gerrish, present.  A quorum was declared present.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  Mayor Graham asked for approval of the minutes of December 19, 2016.  Motion was made by J. Albrecht and seconded by K. Hagarty to approve the minutes.  All ayes.  Motion carried.
PUBLIC HEARING – None scheduled.
RESIDENTS:  Mayor Graham asked if anyone wished to come forward to speak to the Council.
Leslie Blair stepped forward to voice her opposition to the variance on the Lawn property. She is against the property being zoned for commercial use. She prefers it to be zoned for office or service use to keep in line with the Strategic Plan to protect the older neighborhood.
Burt Edding came forward to also voice his opposition. He stated the area has water and storm water problems. He said the developer admitted that it will make the problem worse. He said the area is primarily residential and is concerned the development will bring crime to the area.
Vern Malare said the developer presented a binder to the Planning Commission to review. He asked the Council to table it until the Council had a chance to review the information in the binder.
Clerk’s Report:  City Clerk Goodwin delivered his end of year report stating there are 831 active businesses, over 400,000 public documents are on our website, we have a new cemetery database, and we have processed over 125 Freedom of Information requests.
City Clerk Goodwin read the following requests:
  1. Request from the City of O’Fallon Kixx Soccer Club to sell alcohol at the Katy Cavins Community Center on January 28, 2017 for a trivia event
  1. Request from the City of O’Fallon Garden Club to sell alcohol at the Katy Cavins Community Center on February 4, 2017 for a trivia event
Motion by J. Albrecht and seconded by K. Hagarty to approve the requests. All ayes. Motion carried.
Mayor’s Report:   Mayor Graham had nothing to report.
Motion by K. Hagarty and seconded by R. Meile to approve Item 1, a Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an Agreement with Clearwave Communications for use of City Right-of-Way.
ROLL CALL: Meile, aye; Albrecht, aye; Kueker, aye; Hagarty, aye; Roach, aye; Smallheer, aye; Marsh, aye; Hursey, aye; Holden, aye; Drolet, aye; Cozad, aye; Gerrish, aye.  All ayes.  Motion carried.
1st Reading –
Motion by J. Albrecht and seconded by H. Gerrish to consider on 1st Reading Item 2, an
Ordinance of the City of O'Fallon, St. Clair County, Illinois, providing for the issuance of General Obligation Bonds, Series 2017, providing the details of such bonds and for a levy of taxes to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds, and related matters.
ROLL CALL: Meile, aye; Albrecht, aye; Kueker, no; Hagarty, aye; Roach, aye; Smallheer, aye; Marsh, aye; Hursey, aye; Holden, aye; Drolet, aye; Cozad, aye; Gerrish, aye.  Ayes – 11; nays - 1.  Motion carried.
Motion by J. Albrecht and seconded by D. Cozad to consider on 1st Reading Item 3, an Ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map.
K. Hagarty will vote no on items 3 and 4. He read the Planning Commission report. He thinks traffic will be a problem and agrees with the residents’ concerns.
H. Roach asked if this would increase the flooding in the area. J. Taylor responded that a drainage report would have to be submitted. He said the water run off rate would have to be at the same level or lower than it is now. In regards to Sunnyside, the drainage ditch question will be on the next Public Works agenda.
R. Holden said he understands the concerns. It is going back to the committee. He has talked to Ted about trees and some of the “dress up” issues.
C. Marsh said that 1/3 of the properties are to be commercial, so what happens if the residential part does not come? What is the guarantee that the residential properties will be placed there?
T. Shekell responded that there is 300 feet to the neighboring property. They are going to be two or three family homes. If anything else happens, they have to come back to the Council for approval. The proposal is for Dollar General to place a six-foot buffer along Lawn. There will be two fences along there. It will have two phases.
C. Marsh asked where the other multi-families areas that are undeveloped are located.  T. Shekell responded that he would expect someone to have an interest in building multi-families in the area. The old Rock Springs trailer park is zoned for multi-family (about twenty aces), and there is an area on Old Collinsville Road north of St. Ellen Mine.
C. Marsh asked about the streets being increased from 18 to 24 feet, and if we were widening Lawn. T. Shekell responded that Lawn would not be reconstructed until there is a cut proposed off Lawn. The duplexes would have to come first.
N. Drolet said the rezoning of the property is a good move, as it will protect the neighborhood from professional buildings being built. He is concerned about commercial zoning in the lower part. He will vote yes for Item 3, but he will vote no for Item 4 as is not a good place for commercial.
M. Smallheer said the City of O’Fallon thrives on sales tax. However, he would not like to see this at his back door. He would not want to see Dollar General leave town.
K. Hagarty agrees with the residents and would not want it in his back yard.
D. Cozad said the Dollar General is going to be a football field away and have a six-foot fence. There will still be a field, if housing does not develop. The property is primed for retail. He believes there is enough of a buffer.
C. Hursey asked if there is any other property in O’Fallon they were interested in? We would not want to lose the sales tax. However, we do not want to affect our homeowners home values. T. Shekell responded that they looked at other areas before they settled on this piece of property. They prefer to be on Hwy 50.
C. Marsh asked whether they have something in their corporate structure that they have to be so many miles from another one of their stores. T. Shekell replied they cannot be too close geographically to their own store. They have interest in property to the east of town for a second store, if they move from the Southview location.
R. Holden said if it stays commercial, you could potentially have another bank. Eventually, you will not be looking at the back of a Dollar General.  
H. Roach asked when they will have to develop it as residential. T. Shekell said the Council can place conditions on time frames. He does not know the marketability.
N. Drolet added he would like it to ensure that it be limited to duplex or single family. T. Shekell agrees that should be a condition. N. Drolet does not think it is appropriate for retail.
ROLL CALL: Meile, no; Albrecht, aye; Kueker, no; Hagarty, no; Roach, aye; Smallheer, no; Marsh, aye; Hursey, no; Holden, aye; Drolet, aye; Cozad, aye; Gerrish, aye.  Ayes – 7; nays - 5.  Mayor Graham responded it will go back to committee. Mayor voted yes, for the 2/3 vote requirement. Motion carried.
Motion by J. Albrecht and seconded by D. Cozad to consider on 1st Reading Item 4, an Ordinance amending Ord. 623, Zoning, development known as Highway 50 and Lawn Avenue consisting of approximately 6.44 acres.
N. Drolet said it is not an appropriate place for Dollar General or any other retail that is open from seven to eleven at night.
H. Roach would like to hear more discussion in committee.
D. Cozad asked T. Shekell if a 24 hour urgi-care could be built there, as it is currently zoned. T. Shekell said it is currently residential, and the plan shows it as an office or business service.
ROLL CALL: Meile, no; Albrecht, aye; Kueker, no; Hagarty, no; Roach, no; Smallheer, no; Marsh, aye; Hursey, no; Holden, aye; Drolet, no; Cozad, aye; Gerrish, aye.  Ayes – 5; nays - 7.  Motion failed.
Motion by J. Albrecht and seconded by K. Hagarty to consider on 1st Reading Item 5, an
Ordinance approving the Final Plat of Lincoln Park Villas.  
ROLL CALL: Meile, aye; Albrecht, aye; Kueker, aye; Hagarty, aye; Gilreath, aye; Roach, aye; Smallheer, aye; Marsh, aye; Holden, aye; Drolet, aye; Cozad, aye; Gerrish, aye.  All ayes.  Motion carried.
2nd Readings
Motion by J. Albrecht and seconded by K. Hagarty to approve on 2nd Reading Item 6, an Ordinance rescinding Ordinance 3924, Towing Companies.
ROLL CALL: Meile, aye; Albrecht, aye; Kueker, aye; Hagarty, aye; Roach, aye; Smallheer, aye; Marsh, aye; Hursey, aye; Holden, aye; Drolet, aye; Cozad, aye; Gerrish, aye.  All ayes.  Motion carried.
Motion by J. Albrecht and seconded by H. Gerrish to approve on 2nd Reading Item 7, an Ordinance amending Ordinance 623, Development known as Flying Aces to be located at 829 Siebert Road.
ROLL CALL: Meile, aye; Albrecht, aye; Kueker, aye; Hagarty, aye; Roach, aye; Smallheer, aye; Marsh, aye; Hursey, aye; Holden, aye; Drolet, aye; Cozad, aye; Gerrish, aye.  All ayes.  Motion carried.
Community Development: 
J. Albrecht stated the committee will meet Monday at 6:00 p.m. at the Public Safety Building.
Public Works:  R. Meile stated they will meet Monday, January 23rd at the Public Safety Building.
Public Safety:  C. Marsh stated they will meet February 13th at 5:00 p.m. at the Public Safety Building.
Parks and Environment:  R. Holden said there next meeting is to be scheduled.
Finance/Administration:  Motion by D. Cozad and seconded by J. Albrecht to approve Warrant #365 in the amount of $2,299,817.04.
ROLL CALL: Meile, aye; Albrecht, aye; Kueker, aye; Hagarty, aye; Roach, aye; Smallheer, aye; Marsh, aye; Hursey, aye; Holden, aye; Drolet, aye; Cozad, aye; Gerrish, aye.  All ayes.  Motion carried.
D. Cozad said the next meeting is on January 23rd at 5:30 p.m.
EXECUTIVE SESSION:   Mayor Graham said there is no closed session.
K. Hagarty sent out kudos to Public Works for the great job they did during the last ice storm.
Motion by J. Albrecht and seconded by C. Marsh to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 7:39 p.m.
Submitted by,
Philip A. Goodwin
City Clerk                                                                                                                              
Minutes recorded by
Maryanne Fair, Deputy City Clerk
Proper notice having been duly given