Community Development Committee

Meeting date: 
Monday, January 9, 2017
                                 6:00 PM Monday, January 9, 2017
Minutes of a regular meeting of the Community Development Committee of the City of O'Fallon, held at the Public Safety Building, 285 N. Seven Hills Road, O’Fallon, Illinois.
I)             Roll Call – Committee members: Jerry Albrecht, Gene McCoskey, David Cozad, Harlan Gerrish and Ray Holden. Other Elected Officials Present: Ned Drolet, Kevin Hagerty, Richie Meile, and Robert Kueker. Staff: Walter Denton, Pam Funk, Sandy Evans, Mary Jeanne Hutchison, Eric Van Hook, Grant Litteken, Andrew Dallner, James Cavins, Kirk Brueggemann and Justin Randall. Visitors: John West, Ron Zelms, Ross Rosenberg, Charles Pitts, Dave Witter, Bevan Gibson, Janice Netil, Earuesline Gilbert, Carolyn Bertrand, Fred Boch, Vern Malare, Bob Elkan, Matt Mayer, Terry Johnson, Dave Dillow, Valerie Piekutowski, Mark Piekutowski, Francis Bertrand, Nancy Karregan, Leslie Blair, Burt Gedney, and Robert Druessel, Jr.
II)            Approval of Minutes from Previous Meetings– All ayes. Motion carried.
III)           Items Requiring Council Action
  1. Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Highway 50 & Lawn Avenue – Planned Use & Subdivision (1st Reading) – Justin Randall provided a brief overview of the project, including a comprehensive plan amendment, planned use and subdivision for the Highway 50 and Lawn Avenue Project.  Randall explained the concerns discussed at the Plan Commission meeting and the resulting proposed changes to the building elevations for the Dollar General and the proposed alternative to create a cul-de-sac for the residential street instead of a through-street extending Hillcrest Drive.  The Committee heard additional citizens’ concerns over the existing drainage problems in the area and the crime associated with the Dollar General store. A motion was made to approve the Comprehensive Plan Amendment, subdivision and planned use with staff and Plan Commission recommendations and the revised Dollar General elevations to include windows and the alternative street design with a cul-de-sac.  The motion was seconded and passed with a 5-0 vote.
  2. Flying Aces – Planned Use (2nd Reading) – Justin Randall indicated there were no changes associated with the planned use.  A motion and second was made to recommend approval of the planned use, the motion passed with a 5-0 vote.
  3. Lincoln Park Villas – Final Plat (1st Reading) – Justin Randall provided the committee with an overview of the proposed final plat. The committee discussed the final pat and recommended the final plat with a 5-0 vote.
  4. Clearwave Right-of-Way Use Agreement (Resolution) – Justin Randall provided the committee with a brief overview of the proposed use agreement with Clearwave Communications.  The agreement was to allow for the placement of communication lines to provide up to a gigabyte of internet service and provide internet to Auffenberg dealerships and St. Elizabeth’s Hospital.  The committee discussed the proposed contract. A motion and second was made to recommend approval of the right-of-way use agreement with Clearwave Communication, the motion passed with a 4-0 vote. 
IV)          Other Business - None
NEXT MEETING: January 23, 2017 – Public Safety Building

Prepared by: Justin Randall, Senior City Planner