City Council

Meeting date: 
Monday, September 15, 2014
September 15, 2014
The regular meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Graham who led the Council in “The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.”
Philip Goodwin, City Clerk, called the roll:  Gene McCoskey, present; Richie Meile, present; Ed True, present; Jerry Albrecht, present; Jerry Mouser, present; Kevin Hagarty, present; John Drolet, present; Herb Roach, present; Michael Bennett, present; Courtney Cardona, present; Jim Hursey, present; Ray Holden, present; David Cozad, present; Harlan Gerrish, present.  A quorum was declared present.
Mayor Graham asked for approval of the minutes.  Motion was made by J. Mouser and seconded by E. True to approve the minutes of September 2, 2014.  All ayes.  Motion carried.
PUBLIC HEARING – None scheduled.
RESIDENTS:    Several people stepped forward to voice their opposition to the possible sale of the water and sewer company.  Frank Morski spoke about his concerns that it is not possible since it is an enterprise zone.  He is also concerned about possible rate increases and loss of manpower for plowing snow.  Craig Votrain voiced his concerns about response time if there is a water problem, loss of revenue, and rate increases.  Lee Youngblood expressed her concern that she had not heard why the sale was even being considered.  Terry Lysakowski was concerned about possible rate increases, stormwater issues that need to be resolved, and where the funds would come from to pay out the employees that would lose their jobs.  Gene Hyatt added that he had issues with a private company, and the use of the money from a monopoly.  Joann Fischer asked that the City stop bringing people to the hotels and parks, as she wants the money used toward street repair.  Vicki Evans asked if the ripple effect to other departments had been considered.  In particular, the department she works in uses occupancy inspection information that they receive from the utility billing department.
Mayor Graham replied that the RFP’s went out this morning, so he does not have the information yet.  He stated that there are 35 water/sewer employees and 13 are residents.  He said we are not unhappy with the performance of our workers.  After we receive the information from the bidders, the Council will review and discussion will continue.
Katie Riley also spoke of her concern and was in attendance to get information.  Mayor Graham said we do not know anything yet because we have not received an offer.  The RFP information will be on the City website tomorrow, and if you have questions after reviewing to call him for an appointment.  He said that he and the staff have reviewed the RFP methodically.  He said he went to the employees first and told them that they planned to get information on a possible sale.
Ron Van Horn added that he has made improvements on his house over the years.  He is concerned if we sell that the infrastructure will not be repaired.
Mayor Graham replied to various shouted out questions that the Council will make the decision after the bids are submitted.  He added that five or six months ago, they held a strategic plan in the City and about 500 people participated.  Their number one concern was for improved parks and amenities.  If this town had not grown, we would not be able to afford to live here.  We received about nine million dollars last year in sales tax which is more than all of the property taxes.  This City has been built on schools, parks, and safety.  Our goal is to keep the property taxes down.
Joann Fischer also inquired about the proposal to give 18 million dollars to St. Elizabeth Hospital to deal with the subsidence at the site.  She wanted to know what fund the money would come from.  Mayor Graham said they paid 18 million dollars for the property.  It will cost approximately seven million dollars to fix the undermining.  We created a TIF to assist them.  They are going to open with 1500 jobs and add 300.  In the next ten years, three to four thousand jobs are going to be created from the hospital.
About 150 people attended the St. Elizabeth meeting to hear about their plan.  This will bring jobs to our city and keep our children here.  The reason we want the hospital here is we think it is important for our citizens, and it will bring jobs to our kids with the commercial growth.  We will need to borrow money to help them.  The economic impact which will be out for you to see, will show how it creates income, sales tax, and increases home values.
Regarding Mr. Van Horn’s question on the infrastructure, that area has flooded over the span of a hundred years.  The Council has looked at and studied plans and it is back in committee.  It is expensive and will need money to fix.  Curb and gutter will cost at least $10,000 to put in.
Mayor Graham welcomed anyone to make an appointment to talk to him with any questions.
Clerk’s Report:  City Clerk Goodwin read the following requests:
        4.  Request from Global Brew Tap House and Lounge to sell alcohol during the Strangefolk festival on 9/27 and 9/28
        5.  Request from Delores Moye Elementary PTO to conduct a raffle from October 15 – December 15, 2014 for a street sign and on November 14, 2014 for cash
        Motion by E. True and seconded by J. Hursey to approve the requests.  All ayes.  Motion carried.
        Mayor’s Report:   Mayor Graham asked Chief Van Hook to come forward.  Captain Berry and Lt. Robert Schmidtke came forward.  Chief Van Hook presented the Chief’s Commendation to Robert Schmidtke for his work and dedication in solving a grease oil theft that led to the arrest of three subjects.  His actions resulted in solving a crime that had netted a 4 billion dollar a year profit for the thieves.
        Next, Mayor Graham invited Kathy Federico and Brett Schuette forward to accept a proclamation declaring the month of October 2014 as Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
        He also read a proclamation declaring the week of 9/14-9/20/14 as Rail Safety Week.
        Motion by J. Albrecht and seconded by J. Mouser to approve Item 1, A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with Tyco/SimplexGrinnell for the monitoring, annual testing, and inspection of fire alarms in all buildings owned or managed by the City with fire alarms and installation in certain buildings that are currently not protected by fire alarms.
        ROLL CALL: McCoskey, aye; Meile, aye; True, aye; Albrecht, aye; Mouser, aye; Hagarty, aye; Drolet, aye; Roach, aye; Bennett, aye; Cardona, aye; Hursey, aye; Holden, aye; Cozad, aye, Gerrish, aye.  Ayes - 14; Nos – 0.  Motion carried.
        1st Reading – None brought forward.
        2nd Readings – The Ordinance approving the Franchise Agreement remains on hold.
        Community Development:  Motion by J. Albrecht and seconded by J. Mouser to approve the following requests:
        Special Event application from Schildknecht Funeral Home for their 65th Anniversary Celebration on Saturday, September 20, 2014 at their location
        Special Event application from Global Brew to hold their Oktoberfest on Saturday, October 4th at their location
        Special Event application from St. Elizabeth’s Hospital “Breast Health Awareness Month” from September 30th – October 31st
        Special Event application from Regency Park for the Boutique Bridal Show
        Special Event application from the Historic Preservation Commission to conduct a Bank Clock Rededication on Saturday, October 11th at Lincoln Avenue, between State and 1st Street
        All ayes.  Motion carried.
        He stated the committee will meet on September 29th at 5:30 p.m. at the Public Safety Building.
        Public Works:  R. Meile announced that they will meet September 22nd at the Public Safety Building.   He added they may meet earlier since Community Development is not meeting.
        Public Safety:  K. Hagarty stated his committee will meet October 13th at 5:00 p.m. at the Public Safety Building.
        Finance/Administration:  Motion by M. Bennett and seconded by J. Albrecht to approve Warrant #309 in the amount of $1,413,726.97.
        ROLL CALL: McCoskey, aye; Meile, aye; True, aye; Albrecht, aye; Mouser, aye; Hagarty, aye; Roach, aye; Drolet, aye; Bennett, aye; Cardona, aye; Hursey, aye; Holden, aye; Cozad, aye, Gerrish, aye.  Ayes - 14; Nos – 0.  Motion carried.
        Parks and Environment:  Motion by E. True and seconded by J. Mouser to approve the purchase of a Utility Work Machine in the amount of $56,025.44.
        ROLL CALL: McCoskey, aye; Meile, aye; True, aye; Albrecht, aye; Mouser, aye; Hagarty, aye; Roach, aye; Drolet, aye; Bennett, aye; Cardona, aye; Hursey, aye; Holden, aye; Cozad, aye, Gerrish, aye.  Ayes - 14; Nos – 0.  Motion carried.
        He stated the October meeting is cancelled.
        EXECUTIVE SESSION:  No closed session.
        R. Holden wanted to thank the couple that hosted a party at Thoman Park last weekend.  Ms.  Youngblood, who was in the audience, was the person who hosted it.  Mayor Graham stated that many people opposed that park when it was first proposed.  It is a real asset to the community now.
        ADJOURNMENT:  Motion by G. McCoskey and seconded by E. True to adjourn.  All ayes.  Motion carried.
        The meeting was adjourned at 7:51 p.m.
        Submitted by,
        Philip A. Goodwin
        City Clerk                                                                                                       
        Minutes recorded by
        Maryanne Fair, Deputy City Clerk
        Proper notice having been duly given