Finance and Administration Committee

Meeting date: 
Monday, January 26, 2015
5:30 P.M. Monday, January 26, 2015
Minutes of a regular meeting of the Finance and Administration Committee of the City of O’Fallon, held at the Public Safety Building, 285 N. Seven Hills Road, O’Fallon, Illinois on January 26, 2015.
ROLL CALL: COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Bennett, Chairman, Drolet, Gerrish
McCoskey, Albrecht
NON-COMMITTEE ALDERMEN: Holden, Meile, Roach, Hagarty, True, Hursey, Mouser
STAFF LIAISON: Evans, Denton, Shekell, Randall
Approval Minutes: - November 24, 2014 Motion Drolet, Second McCoskey All Ayes. Motion carried.
Items Requiring Council Action:
Item A: Resolution Declaring Surplus for TIF #3- Central Park: Director of Finance explained that this resolution is required by the Illinois Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act.  The pass-through amount of $81,056.95 is sent to the County Collector who distributes this amount to the respective taxing districts in the same manner and proportion as the most recent distribution by the county collector to the affected districts of real property taxes from real property in the redevelopment project area. (Shown on Table 1 included in the packet) Director also explained that the City will be sending the developers portion (Menards and Greenmount Retail) and the Central School settlement portion directly to them and those payments will be on the February 17 warrant.  Alderman Roach asked for a spreadsheet showing the other breakouts.  Staff will send out copy.  Motion made by Albrecht, second by Drolet   All Ayes.
Other Business:
         Item A: Budget Update:  Director of Finance discussed the information in the packet including the budget timeline and the surrounding communities’ budget comparison.  Staff also mentioned that at February 23 committee meeting will begin at 5:00pm to do an overview of the budget including general fund revenues and that Dan Gentry, IT Manager, will be present to go over the IT budget. Dashboards/Metrics regarding the 2016 Budget proposal will also be available at that meeting. Staff said that the various departments will present their budgets at their committee meetings.   Alderman Bennett asked if there was any information on the IT Audit that was recommended at the November 24th meeting and staff responded that they did not have an answer at this time.
Motion to Adjourn: Albrecht, Second McCoskey  All Ayes. Motion carried.                                                 
Next Meeting:   Monday, February 23, 2015   5:00pm  *Special Time*
ADJOURNMENT:                5:45p.m.         PREPARED BY:       Sandy Evans