Library Board

Meeting date: 
Monday, February 9, 2015
O’Fallon Public Library Regular Board Meeting Minutes February 9, 2015
President Larry Morrison called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm in the large meeting room. Also present were Board Members
Harriet Baker, Nancy Clark, Bob Kueker, Doug Distler, Dennis Grimmer, Linda Kahley, Betty Reed and Library Director Molly Scanlan.
Secretary’s Report: A motion was made by L. Kahley and seconded by B. Kueker to accept the minutes as presented. All ayes. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report: A motion was made by H. Baker and seconded by B. Reed to file for audit the January Treasurer’s Report. All ayes. Motion passed.
February’s Bills:  A motion was made by L.Kahley and seconded by H. Baker to approve payment of the presented bills. Roll: L. Morrison, aye; H. Baker, aye; N. Clark, aye; B, Kueker, aye; D. Distler, aye; D. Grimmer, aye; L. Kahley, aye; B. Reed, aye. All ayes. Motion carried.
Librarian’s Report: Molly provided Information on a second quote for Bradford Pear tree maintenance or removal. Completed IT documentation is still needed for the website.  The land behind the GSC Credit Union continues to be for sale and M. Scanlan was approached again by BARBERMURPHY to inquire if the Library was interested in purchasing all or some of it.
Friends of the Library: The next Friends book sale is 02/21. A check was given to the library for $1600 from the previous book sale.
Book Discussion Group: The Book Discussion Group will meet Monday February 23. The group will be reading Andrea Wulf’s “The
Brother Gardeners: Botany, Empire and the Birth of an Obsession”.
Public Comment: There were none.
Topics for Future Consideration: There were none.
Unfinished Business: The Bradford Pear trees will be kept through the summer to provide shade during the Library’s summer reading program since the meeting room will not be available due to construction and some programs will be held outside; then the trees and stumps will be removed as voted on in the January 2015 meeting. The FY 15/16 budget was discussed and approval tabled until the March meeting. Larson approved adequate capacity to support the installation with no additional reinforcement required.
New Business: A motion was made by D. Distler and seconded by D. Grimmer to transfer $1,250,000 from the Library special reserves to the building Fund in the FY 15/16 budget. All ayes, motion approved. A motion was made by B. Kueker and seconded by D. Grimmer to examine investing some reserve funds held as cash in the bank or in Illinois Funds money market accounts to interest bearing accounts by the Finance Committee. All ayes, motion approved. The Route 50-Scott Troy Road TIF was discussed. A motion was made by D. Distler and seconded by L. Kahley to change health insurance policy for full-time employees to as followsEffective
2/9/15 City of O’Fallon health, dental and vision insurance will be paid at 100% by the Library to provide single coverage for the employee only. Current full-time employees* will continue to be eligible to participate in the policy in place when they were hired providing 100% single coverage and 80% family coverage                                                          All ayes, motion approved. Personnel issues were also discussed.
Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:13 pm.
Respectfully Submitted, Jennifer McCollum Recording Secretary
*Full-time employees as of 2/9/15: Molly Scanlan, Teri Rankin, Michael King, Ryan Johnson.
Approved by O’Fallon Public Library Board Action
03/9/2015                                                              Nancy K. Clark, Secretary