2018/09/17 - Mayor's Column: Please Dispose of Your Leaves and Yard Debris

“An Open Door to O’Fallon”
A Weekly Note from Mayor Herb Roach

This time of year, I am always careful that I control my expectations when we get our first break from the summer heat. It seems that every year, as soon as we all begin to talk of the cooler weather and fall, we are quickly reminded that the Midwest can give you cool temperatures one day, and then the next, hit you with sweltering heat.

Eventually, fall will be here for sure. Not only will it bring cooler temperatures, but also falling leaves. We will soon have to take to our yards and pick up those leaves that have fallen to the ground. When you are working in your yards this fall, please be courteous to your neighbors, and properly dispose of your leaves and yard debris.

If blown and left in the street, leaves, grass clippings, and other lawn debris can clog storm drains, resulting in street and private property flooding. In addition to potential harm to your property or public streets, you may also be creating a safety hazard. Clippings and leaves left in the street or on the sidewalk can create a slippery and dangerous surface for traveling motorcyclists and bicyclists. When finished raking leaves or mowing, please be sure to use a blower, broom, or rake to clean up any debris that have inadvertently made their way into the street, sidewalk, or storm drain.

Using a mulching mower puts leaves and clippings back into the yard and keeps nutrients where they belong. Should you choose to use a discharging mower, please be sure to point the blower toward your property (away from the street) to prevent clippings from leaving the lawn. You may also choose to bag your clippings, the City’s trash hauler, Waste Management, will help you dispose of them.

Weekly collection of yard waste is included in the standard service and will be collected on the same day as trash. Unlimited amounts of yard waste will be collected year-round.  Yard waste includes grass clippings, leaves, vines, hedges, shrub and tree trimmings, smaller tree branches, household and yard plants, and holiday trees.

Tree limbs and branches less than six inches in diameter must be tied in bundles no larger than four-foot long and 24 inches in diameter and weigh no more than 50 pounds.  Yard waste does not include dirt or rocks.

Yard waste may be disposed of in paper bags or plastic trash cans.  Cans used for yard waste must be clearly marked with the words “Yard Waste Only.”  Residents may also request an additional 96-gallon cart at an additional cost of $2.50 per month for yard waste. Yard waste will not be accepted in plastic bags.  Free “Yard Waste Only” stickers may be obtained from City Hall or by calling Waste Management.

As residents of O’Fallon, you should always be able to reach out to your elected officials and ask questions about what is happening in O’Fallon. Having open communications is important to me and something I care very deeply about. Thank you for reading, and please remember, my door is always open!