2020/03/30 - Mayor's Column: This Week's COVID-19 Update


­­­“An Open Door to O’Fallon”
A Weekly Note from Mayor Herb Roach

No doubt, COVID-19 has in some way affected each and every one of us. However, though things at time seem confusing and sad, there are times when we see the best in people. This reminds us of how great O’Fallon is. This weekend, the sun was shining, and we were reminded that spring has sprung. The City of O’Fallon continues to move forward with a lot of positives during this trying time.   I can’t say enough about the many positives that are happening in our community and the cooperation from all involved.

Here is a brief list of the positives of this past week:

  • During the past week I have had many people call and ask to help, in any way possible.
  • Nearly every church in town has volunteered to help, again, in any way possible.
  • A group has formed “O-Town Proud” to help local businesses, first responders and healthcare workers.
  • We have a group that are going to go around the city in a unique way to help entertain the children (it will be without announcement to prevent large gatherings). Stay tuned.
  • Our business community has stepped up and cooperated with the Governor’s request for closure.   They can use our help……remember they have been there for us.
  • Our staff has maintained their responsibilities while going through some significant changes in how we do things (hats off to O’Fallon’s Information Technology Department for many hours in a short period to set things up and do training).
  • Our City Council learning how to deal with a COMPLETELY new way of holding meetings and getting city work done.
  • Thanks to our City Council for having confidence in me to grant me emergency powers to make quick changes in servicing our citizens if needed. This will allow us to file for reimbursement of special costs relating to combating COVID-19.
  • The city staff continuing to service the needs of our citizens and businesses.  
  • Approval of a new commercial three-story office building on Route 50.
  • The issuing of over ten new housing permits
  • The completion of over fifty home inspection to make sure the home are safe as families move in.
  • The moving ahead with the new developments on Seven Hills Road, Central Park Drive and others.
  • A big thanks to the churches that cancelled or postponed major activities that would have drawn large crowds.
  • Thanks to our schools for continuing to make and deliver meals to those in need and helping students remotely.
  • And I can’t say this enough: THANKS to our Public Safety men and women for all that you do for all of us.

Citizens and businesses of O’Fallon: THANK YOU for continuing to make O’Fallon the best community in the area. Thank you for doing the little things to help one another and to keep yourself and others safe like proper distancing , washing hands, not gathering in large groups, etc.

We will work through this together and when it’s over we will all be able to hold our head high knowing that we did the right things for the right reasons.

As residents of O’Fallon, you should always be able to reach out to your elected officials and ask questions about what is happening in O’Fallon. Having open communications is important to me and something I care very deeply about. Thank you for reading, and please remember, my door is always open (virtually, at least)!