2020/04/13 - Mayor's Column: COVID-19 Update

­­­“An Open Door to O’Fallon”
A Weekly Note from Mayor Herb Roach

Even though things are not yet back to normal, there are still many positive things happening in our community. I would like to just share a few with you:

  • The O’Fallon Food Pantry is back open due to many volunteers bringing goods and helping out.
  • For the first time in the 166-year history of O’Fallon, the City Council Meeting was held virtually. This new practice has allowed the City to continue to operate and hold meetings while still allowing the public to participate.
  • The Relators Association of Southwestern Illinois (RASI) donated four hazmat suits to our Community Development Department. These suits will help keep our code enforcement officers and inspectors safe as they go about doing their job.
  • St. Clair County Treasurer (and former O’Fallon Alderman) Andy Lopinot reached out to me to discuss what could be done to help our citizens during this time when many are out of work or had their businesses closed. We discussed the need to help ease the financial burden on our residents without having a major impact on the taxing bodies that depend on the real estate taxes such as our schools, library, and fire department. This has resulted in a delay on the payment for your annual real estate taxes to a later date. Also, the O’Fallon City Council has reduced the City’s property tax rate for the 3rd year in a row, and to the lowest rate in ten years).
  • We have had multiple companies contact us to start discussions on new developments in town. We have facilitated these project meetings through teleconferencing. We are making sure that O’Fallon continues to operate as normal during these challenging times.
  • The O’Fallon City Staff is preparing for a sharp drop in tax revenue from decreased sales tax, food & beverage tax, hotel/motel tax and possibly others from the State. We are making sure that all essential services will be maintained for our citizens and that we continue to have strong financial reserves.
  • The State of Illinois is predicting that this week could be a turning point for COVID-19 in our State. Which means we could see a return to a more normal way of life soon. This decision is going to depend on the Governor, but rest assured, when the order comes, we will be ready to “Re-open O’Fallon.”

So with that said, I would like to urge all of you to please abide by the proper social distancing guidelines, avoid large gatherings, wash your hands, practice proper hygiene, and wear face masks when in stores. It is up to us to defeat the virus! Keep it up O’Fallon!

As residents of O’Fallon, you should always be able to reach out to your elected officials and ask questions about what is happening in O’Fallon. Having open communications is important to me and something I care very deeply about. Thank you for reading, and please remember, my door is always open (virtually, at least)!