2021/02/01 - Mayor's Column: COVID Vaccine

An Open Door to O’Fallon”
A Weekly Note from Mayor Herb Roach

The vaccine for COVID-19 has started to be rolled out in our region. My wife and I have been scheduled to receive our first doses on Friday of this week. We look forward to our vaccinations, and hopefully soon being able to spend time with our friends and family once again.

Most of O’Fallon’s first responders have received their first, and some their second, dose of the vaccine. Out of all our employees that have received their doses, only a small number have experienced minor side effects, mostly discomfort and minor chills.

The vaccination plan is being overseen by the Illinois Department of Public Health and your local County Public Health Department.

St. Clair County Health Department is currently sending notifications for residents 75 years of age and older to schedule a vaccine appointment at the mass vaccination site or through one of their Provider Partners – HSHS St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Memorial Hospital/BJC or SIHF Touchette Hospital.

St. Clair County has opened a mass vaccination drive-thru site at the Belle Clair Fairgrounds in Belleville. This site runs six days a week, Monday – Saturday, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. These vaccinations are given by appointment only.

Below is more information about how you can sign up for the COVID-19 vaccination if you live or work in any of the following counties:  

St. Clair County - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNFN9MInsCDZe1ADI6uuQnYwpd0oINNJZJ9j83gf_U_oU1iA/viewform.

Madison County - https://www.co.madison.il.us/departments/health/index.php.

Monroe County - https://monroecountyhealth.org/home/emergency-preparedness/covid-19/covid-19-vaccine-information/.

Clinton County - http://clintoncountyhealth.com/.

There are many other sites that you can register at.  My wife and I registered at two different sites.  We have now notified the other site, that we had not heard from, that we have been contacted for our shots.

You can also reach out to your healthcare provider to ask about signing up for the COVID-19 vaccine.

If you know someone that does not have email or regular internet access, please reach out to them and if requested, help them complete the vaccine registration.

As residents of O’Fallon, you should always be able to reach out to your elected officials and ask questions about what is happening in O’Fallon. Having open communications is important to me and something I care very deeply about. Thank you for reading, and please remember, my door is always open (virtually, at least)!