2024/01/02 - Mayor's Column: Start Off the New Year as Informed Citizens!


I hope 2024 is off to a good start for everyone. I want to make sure that you are always aware of what is happening in your city. I strongly believe that the City of O’Fallon has the most OPEN Council and Committee meetings of any of the cities in the area. O’Fallon provides open publication of all committee and full council meetings well in advance, allows time for public input at all meetings, and with our new broadcasts of both Committee and Council Meetings via Zoom, Facebook Live, and YouTube. 

These allow you to listen and participate if you so wish.

I was recently asked how we know what is going to be discussed at these meetings or when is a certain subject going to be on the agenda. So, I thought that I would make sure that you know how to find out what is being considered by the City Council, why and when.

We require all our departments to submit all committee and full council agendas by the Wednesday prior to their meeting that takes place on the following Monday.

We then publish the material and times for the meetings on Thursday or at least 96 hours (4 days) before a meeting is held covering that item.  This is to give both our council and citizens plenty of time to read and ask questions about the material.

No votes are held on an item unless it has been published on an agenda for consideration at that meeting.

You can find all agenda items on the front page of our City’s Website.  If you look on the left side of the page, you will find a section marked Meeting Agenda and Minutes.  Here you will find not only current agenda items but also minutes of previous meetings if you want to search for a subject.

When you look at items coming before the Full Council for a vote you will find what committees have discussed this, background on the subject, legal considerations if any, any budget impact and attachments that may contain additional information.

I believe it gives our citizens the same information given to the council and the information they need to follow the actions taken by the council or to be able to voice their support or concerns about items on the agenda.

We publish this in advance so that all of our Council Members and Citizens have the same information and explanations before any vote is taken and there are no surprises.

Full Council meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month and Committee meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each Month.  When we have a 5th Monday, we hold Committee of the Whole Meetings to discuss items that may be considered in future months by the Council.  For example, we will have a committee of the whole on Monday, January 29th.

As residents of O’Fallon, you should always be able to reach out to your elected officials and ask questions about what is happening in O’Fallon. Having open communications is important to me and something I care very deeply about. Thank you for reading, and please remember, my door is always open.