2017/09/26 - Walter's Blog: IML Conference

Democracy on the Front Lines
City Administrator’s Blog
Walter Denton

Last week I attended the Illinois Municipal League (IML) Annual Conference in Chicago. The IML Conference consists of managers, administrators, and elected officials from around Illinois. Sometimes we receive questions and criticism over conferences, suggesting that they are junkets or vacations. We sent three aldermen to the IML Conference this year. I believe these conferences are essential for an informed and effective governing body.

We entrust elected officials to run the City of O’Fallon’s $60 million budget when they often have little experience or expertise. The IML Conference is essential training for our elected officials to learn about the business of governing. There are so many changes every year due to state laws and court cases, it is impossible to keep up with it all. The IML Conference features presentations that highlight the major issues and provide guidance on how cities should proceed. Aldermen also have the opportunity to network with elected officials from other cities to learn about best practices in local government.

Sessions this year included topics such as budgeting, economic development, and legal issues. In particular, I attended a session on saving money through cooperative purchasing, marketing your community through branding and economic development, innovative economic development incentives beyond Tax Increment Financing (TIF), and incorporating the Millennial and Z generations into the local government workforce.

Conferences like this keep my ideas fresh and helps to remind me why we are in this crazy business called local government: to make democracy work, build community, and care for people.

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