2019/11/12 - Walter's Blog: Thank You Molly Scanlan

Democracy on the Front Lines
City Administrator’s Blog
Walter Denton

Most people who work in local government will say they are here because they feel a calling for public service. You can often find a job in the private sector for better pay, but public servants will tell you they work in government because they want to make a difference to improve their communities. We are saying farewell to one of our dedicated public servants this month with the retirement of Library Director Molly Scanlan.

Molly Scanlan has been the Library Director since 2007. In that time, she transformed the library as a welcoming space for residents to read, relax, and learn. Here are some of the innovations she brought to the library:

  • Sunday hours: Molly understood the demand for the library during the weekend and expanded the hours to include Sunday.
  • Programming: Programs were expanded for all ages and interests, including tutoring, passport printing, job-seeking assistance, kids clubs, and a book club at Global Brew.
  • Interactive website: Card holders can search and reserve items throughout the Illinois Library System and can access eResources, eBooks, and research databases.
  • Building renovations: A complete makeover was given to the library’s interior, featuring an expanded Children’s Section, Teen Center, and Computer Lab.

Libraries are often referred to as a “Third Place” (besides home and work), a place that offers a positive environment where people can hang out, meet acquaintances, feel comfortable and not have to buy anything. Molly Scanlan led the O’Fallon Public Library to be a vibrant Third Place in O’Fallon and I am grateful for her commitment to serving our residents.